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As part of the aging process, skin loses elasticity, and collagen production slows down. Not only does this lead to the formation of wrinkles, but it also leads to loose, sagging skin as well. This loose eyelid skin can not only make people look as though they are constantly tired, but it can also add years to the face and may have adverse effects on one’s vision. In Lansing, Blepharoplasty – better known as eyelid surgery – is a surgical procedure that can reduce bags under the eyes and lift the skin on the upper eyelid.
Eyelid Surgery in East Lansing
Eyelid surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia and takes one to two hours to complete. During the procedure, excess fat, muscle and skin are removed from the eyelids to create a tighter, more youthful looking appearance. Stitches are placed to close the incisions and must remain for about a week. It is important to note that incisions are strategically placed so that scarring is minimal and virtually invisible once the stitches are removed and the incisions are healed. Slight swelling or bruising following surgery is common and can be managed with ice packs. Dr. Colony preforms eyelid surgery for patients in the Brighton, East Lansing, and Grand Ledge areas. Recovery times after surgery do vary from patient to patient, but most people are able to return to work in two weeks or even less.
Does eyelid surgery leave scars?
When can I return to work after eyelid surgery?
Will scarring be visible after recovering from eyelid surgery?
What should I avoid after eyelid surgery?
When will I see the final results of eyelid surgery?
A Consultation at Michigan Plastic Surgery®
If you suffer from sagging eyelid skin, consider the benefits of blepharoplasty. Under the direction of Dr. Colony, M.D., F.A.C.S., Michigan Plastic Surgery® offers eyelid surgery in East Lansing. Prior to undergoing surgery, you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Colony during a consultation to discuss your concerns and develop an individualized treatment plan.
For more information and to schedule your initial consultation for eyelid surgery in East Lansing, call Michigan Plastic Surgery® today.
Request A ConsultationPatient Testimonials
Meet Dr. Lee H. Colony, M.D., F.A.C.S., a renowned Board Certified plastic surgeon known for his expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery. As a respected national speaker and educator, his dedication to patient safety and involvement in esteemed medical societies highlight his exceptional skills.