Why Spring is the Perfect Time for a Mommy Makeover

Dr. Lee Colony  In: Mommy Makeover

If you’ve been considering a mommy makeover, it can be difficult to decide when to begin your journey. As a mom, it might seem like there’s never a good time when you’re busy taking care of your family. But, as springtime arrives here in East Lansing, it’s actually the best time of year to begin planning your procedure. Here’s what to know about the mommy makeover and why you should schedule your consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lee Colony.

You’ll Recover in Time for Summer

You likely want to enjoy your results this summer, meaning now is the best time to get started. The mommy makeover, because it’s a combination of procedures, typically comes with longer downtime than a standalone surgery. As such, you should plan to have surgery about one to two months before you’ll want to show off your results. This means you’ll be ready to hit the beach by mid-summer.

It Can Boost Confidence at the Beach

Many moms struggle with feeling confident in their bodies after childbirth. If you have plans to hit the beach, pool, or lake this summer, you may feel hesitant about wearing the swimsuit or warm-weather outfits you want. A mommy makeover can help you feel confident showing off your favorite pre-baby outfit or even exploring new ones. It can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable with your favorite activities this summer, helping you make the most of them.

Your Kids Are Out of School

The mommy makeover comes with significant downtime, including limitations on your activity level, heavy lifting, and overall mobility. If you have children in the house who have busy schedules during the school year, you might find it easier to rest and recover without the need to drive them to events, schedule activities, and more. You may find it easier to arrange with local babysitters or pet sitters, too! 

You’ve Lost Winter Weight

It’s always best to be at or near your ideal weight before undergoing a body contouring procedure like the mommy makeover. It’s perfectly normal to have gained some holiday weight as you spend time inside with friends and family members during the winter. By spring, however, most people have begun to be active outside again and see their weight return to normal. This will get you the most desirable results from your mommy makeover since you’ll be working from your normal body composition.

Mommy Makeover in East Lansing

At Michigan Plastic Surgery, you can find a completely personalized approach to the mommy makeover. To begin, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee Colony, where you’ll discuss your unique goals and ideal procedures for your mommy makeover package. Contact us today by calling or filling out our online form.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Michigan Plastic Surgery

Meet Dr. Lee H. Colony, M.D., F.A.C.S., a renowned Board Certified plastic surgeon known for his expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery. As a respected national speaker and educator, his dedication to patient safety and involvement in esteemed medical societies highlight his exceptional skills.