The Two Skincare Products You Need for Youthful Skin

Dr. Lee Colony  In: Skincare
Most everyone has skin flaws- acne, wrinkles, lines, and discoloration. With the large array of skin care products available in stores and online, it can be confusing as to which products are
best for your skin. Although everyone’s skin is different, there are two products that should be basics to anyone’s healthy skin regimen: sunscreen and vitamin A.


Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, such as COLONY MD MelaShade, can improve the appearance of your skin, as well as keep it healthy. Sunscreen can shield your skin from the damaging effects of UVA and UVB radiation, which can damage DNA and cells. This damage can decrease collagen and increase pigment in the skin, causing photo-aging, lines, and changes in pigment. Also, regular sunscreen use can prevent skin cancers.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, like COLONY MD Retinol, and all of the products in the vitamin A family can be very helpful for anti-aging. These products help to stimulate collagen production in the skin to soften lines and wrinkles. They can also help to treat acne. Patients should be careful not to over-use retinoids since they can cause skin irritation. Be sure to use these products along with sunscreen for best results, and always consult with your plastic surgeon when trying new products.
While these two treatment options are effective to help keep skin healthy and youthful, there are also many other antioxidants and peels that can assist in skin health. At Michigan Plastic Surgery®, we offer an array of Medi-Spa services and COLONY MD Medical Skin Care products to help meet each patient’s individual skin care needs.
If you are interested in learning more about different skin care options, contact Michigan Plastic Surgery® in East Lansing today to schedule a consultation.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at 

Meet Dr. Lee H. Colony, M.D., F.A.C.S., a renowned Board Certified plastic surgeon known for his expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery. As a respected national speaker and educator, his dedication to patient safety and involvement in esteemed medical societies highlight his exceptional skills.